Important thoughts.

My TBR pile is scaring me now.

Hey guys! Long time no see. Yes, I know. I’m sorry, I’ve been so busy that I didn’t have enough time to come here and post a review. And that’s also because I’m currently reading some books. I recently bought some and now my tbr pile is… I don’t have words.

I’ve been reading The Hating Game since I guess before the mid of this year and I haven’t completed it yet. Reason: I find it interesting but not quite something at the same time. I really needed a genre change so I bought The Wife Between Us and I’m gonna finish it soon I hope, because I was reading it and then I had to take my exams so I stopped reading and now I’m reading a Novella, Finding Perfect by Colleen Hoover and I hope to finish it till tomorrow because as I said I was too busy with things that I haven’t even finished a novella yet and this makes me want to die.

If I’m not wrong, Every bookworm faces this situation in life. Like you don’t feel like reading and then you do but you just can’t read, you get distracted and all. That’s happening to me. And I hate that. It’s been a year now since my speed just vanished, now I complete reading books in weeks. Or in some cases months, (The Hating Game, I’m halfway through. Harry Potter, I just started it and then got too busy, The Wife Between Us, Just started it.) I need help, I need that speed back, because I miss spending that quality times with my books. Recently I got a writer’s block when I was given a task to write something, and I fought it and completed my task and that makes me realize I can fight this sorta Reader’s block too.

Enough of my babbling. I hope you understood whatever I said. Do you have a tbr pile? What book are you reading right now? Any book suggestions? I’d love to try new books.

I’ll see you with a new book review soon, InshaAllah!

Don’t forget to like and follow my blog!

Lots of love

Hijab Khan.

4 thoughts on “My TBR pile is scaring me now.”

  1. I understand how you feel I used to love reading when I was younger but college came along and I couldn’t prioritise reading as much. It wasn’t until last year that I had a sudden urge to read a book that I kept seeing on instagram which was ‘it ends with us’ by Colleen Hoover and let’s just say I couldn’t stop reading that book and ended up finishing it in a couple of days. Unfortunately at the same time I had exams that were happening and couldn’t read as much as I wanted to so I haven’t read a single book this year which kinda sucks but I know if I start reading a book I’m just going to put everything aside and not do anything until I finish the book lol, (sorry for the rambling haha).
    I personally don’t think it’s a bad thing to have some days where you don’t read and some days you read a lot, I feel like reading isn’t something that can be forced.
    Also this might be an unpopular opinion but I didn’t really like the Hating game and the only reason I read it was because I kept seeing it everywhere, I read it to the end but didn’t really enjoy it, it might be because I found the characters annoying sometimes. The Spanish love deception is a good book, I really enjoyed it :))

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    1. I’ve been in a reading slump for quite a few months now. I haven’t finished one novel this year yet and it sucks… I started It ends with us on Jan 1st but still I’m not really deep into it. I have like 3 to 4 books which are half read etc. And yes I agree to your opinion about the hating game. I’ve still a 100 pages left of it and you won’t believe me when I say I’ve been trying to read it for six months now. That book just isn’t it for me.

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      1. I don’t know if this will help but maybe read a book that you can finish in one day just so you can get the pace of reading again, I can’t think of any recommendations but I’m sure there are probably YouTubers who have recommendations for books that you can finish in a day maybe even less. I think it might be better just to start slow and then build up when you feel comfortable, I hope you can get out of the reading slump, it’s definitely the worst feeling.

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